Case Study 2
Case Study: How I ranked a Page on 1st result of Google in 1 hour?
Now the real word for this trick is called "Newsjacking".One of my clients works in the vegan industry and has solutions related to vegan fitness.
Mike Tyson came on Joe Rogan Podcast and said he isn't vegan anymore and have been eating meat since last year or so.
Now, most of the articles published about Mike Tyson last month as well said that he is a vegan.
We went ahead and wrote an article about Mike Tyson not being vegan and gave all the details there is about it and then presented our solution for vegan fitness by the end of the blog.
As it was the first article that gives all the information, a lot of news websites and blog websites gave us a backlink while resharing our information, and not only that it stayed on top even when people came to know about it and started searching the net.
We received a huge number of leads and sales that day but now every time Mike Tyson comes back in trend (Like today he had a fight) the traffic, sales and leads pickup again.
We have done the same thing with Miley Cyrus and a few other celebrities and news where we published the news before the main media covered it. It works 90% of the time.
The trick works the same way on Youtube.