Free GMB Optimization

Free GMB Optimization

Know someone who might need help with a local listing through Google My Business (GMB) but cannot afford it?

This is my attempt to give back to the community. 

I recently saw a comment on FB which filled me up with anger. Here is the screenshot. 

I really thought, what's the point of all my SEO knowledge if I cannot do well for the society once in a while?

With great power, comes great responsibility. - Uncle Ben

So here is the deal. If you know anyone, I mean anyone who can use a little help with their local business, I will optimize the same for free. 

I don't care if it's a famous bar/ restaurant that can pay someone to do it or a local bakery around the corner whose Aunty/ Uncle's are working hard to stay afloat.

I will take out 2 hours every week and optimize their GMB as per the latest SEO guidelines. Even send them tips on maintaining the same on a long run. 

There will be no strings attached nor any sales pitch from my team or me. 

What this free service will include?

  1. Claim GMB listing on their email id's.
  2. Managing Info like time, phone number, description, etc.
  3. NAP Optimization
  4. Adding relevant categories and subcategories.
  5. Mark off other important attributes.
  6. Fixing Map Location.
  7. Adding photos and videos (If they have those).
  8. Other small SEO optimization.
  9. Setup Messaging
  10. Provide them with links to collect reviews.
  11. 5 Minute loom video to teach them how to maintain GMB.

Benefits - 

  • Better local ranking and footfalls.
  • Good digital first impression. 
  • More store visits and calls!

Please fill out this form below to get in touch with me. 
