Free GMB Optimization
Know someone who might need help with a local listing through Google My Business (GMB) but cannot afford it?
This is my attempt to give back to the community.
I recently saw a comment on FB which filled me up with anger. Here is the screenshot.
I really thought, what's the point of all my SEO knowledge if I cannot do well for the society once in a while?
With great power, comes great responsibility. - Uncle Ben
So here is the deal. If you know anyone, I mean anyone who can use a little help with their local business, I will optimize the same for free.
I don't care if it's a famous bar/ restaurant that can pay someone to do it or a local bakery around the corner whose Aunty/ Uncle's are working hard to stay afloat.
I will take out 2 hours every week and optimize their GMB as per the latest SEO guidelines. Even send them tips on maintaining the same on a long run.
There will be no strings attached nor any sales pitch from my team or me.
What this free service will include?
- Claim GMB listing on their email id's.
- Managing Info like time, phone number, description, etc.
- NAP Optimization
- Adding relevant categories and subcategories.
- Mark off other important attributes.
- Fixing Map Location.
- Adding photos and videos (If they have those).
- Other small SEO optimization.
- Setup Messaging
- Provide them with links to collect reviews.
- 5 Minute loom video to teach them how to maintain GMB.
Benefits -
- Better local ranking and footfalls.
- Good digital first impression.
- More store visits and calls!
Please fill out this form below to get in touch with me.